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New Škodas for Autism Matters

Ian Phillips hands over a new Octavia iV plug-in hybrid and a Karoq SE Drive to Anna, CEO of ‘Autism Matters’ Teesside and Howard, one of the organisation’s ‘Autism Angels’. The ‘Angels’ help give autistic adults the opportunity to learn new work related skills, at their pace and their ideas. They also help people in need, just like real superheroes. They cut peoples grass, help them clean up their gardens, build shelves, sheds, DIY jobs, etc. A great handyman service for people in need.

Derek Slack Motors are proud to be associated with Autism Matters who are an established ‘not for profit’ charitable incorporated organisation(CIO), based in the North East of England, offering a range of support and services for Autistic adults designed by Autistic adults.

You can find out more about how Autism Matters are helping people in the North East at:

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